TALLBOY® Composters, the right tool for all your composting needs - by riteways
TALLBOY® Composters are the best compost machine for your kitchen and garden waste. Composting plays an important role in managing solid waste effectively and we at rite-ways are proud to have installed many composters across builders, communities, hotels and more since 1999.
Our composters have won several accolades, making us the trusted choice for all your composting needs.

Why Composting should become the mantra for everyone?
पंचतत्व (our body is made of five elements - the ancient Indian wisdom)
जल (water)
वायु (air)
अग्नि (fire/heat)
आकाश (space)
पृथ्वी (earth)
Disrupting this process means playing against the "Rules of Nature." Soil feeds us, Compost feeds the soil and that's why composting needs to become the mantra for everyone..
The fifth element earth, is the Soil Carbon that enters our body through the food we consume everyday, and the same Carbon is returned to earth as humus (compost) after death.
At rite-ways, our mission is to provide sustainable waste management solutions using TALLBOY® Composters that benefit both the environment and individuals. We believe that composting is an important part of managing solid waste effectively and we are committed to making composting easy and accessible for everyone.
Sustainable Waste Management
our mission

The TALLBOY® design philosophy is to make composting hassle-free and operatable by unskilled workers. The machine should be able to produce fully digested, highly nutritious compost. The wet waste processing time should be less than half a day and this composting equipment can not die! we're dealing with rotting waste, here!
And, since farmers are the toughest buyers for the best quality compost at the lowest possible price, the TALLBOY® composters should be able to satisfy this one customer.
Only if all this happened would the end user be motivated to compost.
TALLBOY® Design Philosophy
design philosophy

TALLBOY® compost bins from Rite-Ways
Our TALLBOY® Compost Bins are an efficient and environmentally friendly solution for home and commercial composting. Designed with a large capacity to process both food and yard waste inputs, our compost bins are easy-to-use and maintain. With built-in curing, there's no need to manually lift and shift the compost.
Rite-Ways is a leading manufacturer of compost bins. Contact us today to learn more about our products!
- Member Secretary (Karnataka State Pollution Control Board)
"The committee is of the opinion that on-site wet waste processing by bulk waste generators and individual households is to be viewed as a social responsibility of every citizen and not as money-making/saving venture. The intangible benefits of such a management strategy in terms of soil/human health and environment benefits far outweigh the costs involved in wet waste processing."

The Hon'ble National Green Tribunal-SLC, upon hearing the misuse of terminology of organic waste converter by the manufacturers has directed the KSPCB on 15.02.2019 to constitute a committee for "Evaluation of In-situ Technologies for Processing of Wet Waste"...
KSPCB Evaluated Technology for In-situ processing of Wet Waste
our products
All our products are made with the highest quality materials and are designed to make composting easy and efficient. Contact our staff for more information on our range of composters.